How the US is making hitmen obsolete

To get rid of someone you dislike in the US has never been easier. All you need to know is where the person is or will be, and three digits: 9-1-1. Here is the three-step guide to offing your nemesis for free:

Step 1: Call the police, and make up some bogus claim involving the person.

Step 2: Wait for the police to arrive.

Step 3: Profit.

Best of all, there will be no collateral damage and nobody can claim you were behind it. Don’t worry, the friendly officers that pull the trigger for you will not face any consequences either. After all, they are the law.

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Religion: Still washing brains clean from logic and critical thinking

We tend to refer to the current times as “modern“, and in many aspects that is a suitable term. Yet still, we have to battle superstition and ignorance from religious nuts that rank ancient books above scientific knowledge. A grand example is the lot that claim the theory of evolution is just a theory, demonstrating the lack of the knowledge you normally gain in elementary science class.

Although I don’t think that anybody that follows this blog would make this mistake, but just for the sake of completion let me point out that a scientific theory is not the same thing as a “normal” theory. In science, the term theory is used for something that has been repeatedly proven and explained.

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