Julie Borowski wants to bring back DDT

At first I thought Julie was trolling when I watched her video on why we should bring back DDT to combat Zika. Sadly, I don’t think she is, so yet again I shall have the honor of shooting down her argument. This is a whole new level of stupid tho.

For me, getting my facts straight is at the core. I will not post anything in any form argumenting something that I have no clue about. However, it seems Julie sets the standards much much lower. You should go watch the video here before you read on. Wearing a tin foil hat while watching is strongly recommended.

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Julie Borowski don’t understand coal

The stupid is strong with this one… Julie Borowski just uploaded a video on how killing coal is a bad thing. She apparently comes from a long lineage of coal miners, so she gets how important coal is to fight poverty and put food on the table. And in the process, she fails to see the whole picture.

I guess the feedback on that video got a bit heated, as she disabled the comments within a few hours of uploading. She has since re-enabled them, which she deserves a gold star for. That does not however make her argument any more valid.

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