Julie Borowski don’t understand coal

The stupid is strong with this one… Julie Borowski just uploaded a video on how killing coal is a bad thing. She apparently comes from a long lineage of coal miners, so she gets how important coal is to fight poverty and put food on the table. And in the process, she fails to see the whole picture.

I guess the feedback on that video got a bit heated, as she disabled the comments within a few hours of uploading. She has since re-enabled them, which she deserves a gold star for. That does not however make her argument any more valid.

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Fair Use and Copyright Strikes

A few days ago I posted about how Universal Media Group filed a takedown notice against a remix I made almost 3 years ago, resulting in SoundCloud removing it from my profile. In this post I thought I’d expand on the concept of fair use when it comes to remixing, from a legal aspect as well as my own thoughts on the matter.

But first an update on the matter. I just received another e-mail from SoundCloud, informing me that my account just received its first copyright strike:

We contacted you recently to let you know that we’d received a report of copyright infringement. Unfortunately, because you’ve been unable to show that you have the rights to post this track, we’ve had to issue a strike against your account. […] A strike is a warning. We issue a strike whenever someone makes a claim of copyright infringement against content in your account that is not successfully disputed.You have one strike, which does not affect your use of SoundCloud. If you receive a second strike, you will no longer be able to make tracks available for download. If you receive a third strike, your SoundCloud account will be terminated in accordance with our Terms of Use.

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